Dusable Museum 740 E 56th Pl Chicago, IL
7:00 pm Dinner & Program
$150 per person | $1,500 table of 8 | $50 for students & faculty
Contact: admin@meachum.org Attire: Semi-Formal
All people of the African diaspora have the same origin story over the past 500 years, (colonized or enslaved). Our ancestors in the United States were re-introduced to the Bible but as a slave Bible. The slave Bible did not give our ancestors the picture of freedom that Jesus created for us. The Meachum School of Haymanot seeks to help restore what was taken and provide theological education that is affordable, biblical and contextual. And we need your help. We are hosting a Gala on Thursday October 17th to raise funds for the seminary that will enable us to hire a full-time administration team and to raise scholarship funds for tamharis (students). We would appreciate your support in buying tickets to this gala to allow us to continue to provide graduate level theological education to Black communities.